I’m not going to claim to be an expert on fashion, but occasionally I like to play around like a 5 yr old in her mother’s closet. So I thought it’d be fun to put together a couple outfits to go with the Biscayne Blouse! The Biscayne dresses up and down equally well, so you can wear it with sandals and shorts for the weekend, or dress it up for a date night with a fun skirt and heels! I put together 4 looks to go with a basic white Biscayne, but the possibilities are endless.
And don’t forget, the Biscayne Blouse is still only $8 for the rest of this week!
Look 1: Casual Weekend
Look 2: Girls’ Night Out
Look 3: Date Night
Look 4: Summer Concert
I put all these looks together on Polyvore. It was fun, you should try it!